

22 Feb 2022

Second Session of Hormozgan Free Software Group

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Yesterday, I was in the 2nd session of Hormozgan Free Software Group for people in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan, Iran. It was a very good session and by the suggestion of my friend who was in the group, we played a simple Pythonic game.

The game was about saying a Python module which is either builtin or at least familiar to all the members. We were four in a Circle and each had to say a name in a turn based basis. It was no surprise that the author had won the game having the most years of experience with Python; from 2015.

The next game was a version of old hangman game except that a Python builtin callable was chosen. None of us could guess the word of one another and after that the time was over.

I’ve been thinking of a web based version of the first game but it would have no point or fun since anyone participating in the game with a tab of their favourite browser could open another tab and search for whatever module in PyPI.

These games and similar games about programming or computer science stuff could be played in other sessions too.